

“It takes the same amount of water that one person drinks in 13 years to make one pair of jeans.I feel that I have to ‘make good’ the environmental and social cost, and make this discarded material viable again.” –Anna Foster, Founder and Creative Director of E.L.V. DENIM

Each E.L.V. DENIM piece is unique.

我們與 ELV Denim 合作,對消費後廢棄牛仔布進行升級改造。復古牛仔褲在喇叭褲上被重新設計成抽象的曲線,與襯衫上的圖案形成鮮明對比。 ELV DENIM 代表東倫敦復古牛仔布,因為所有產品均在東倫敦設計和生產。他們的所有產品都是從不需要的消費後廢棄牛仔布中升級回收的。